Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Hey guys,
Its something from ma heart.....
The great moments of your life wont necessarily being the things u do,it can also be the things that happened to u.
Now i am not saying that u cant take actions to effect the outcome of your life, u have to take action....u will. But never forget, on any day , u can step out of front door and your life can change forever.
You see the universe has a plan and that plan is always in motion.....A butterfly flaps its wings and it starts to rain...Its a scary thought but its also kind of wonderful..All these little parts of machine constantly working,making sure u end up exactly where u supposed to be, exactly when u r supposed to be, there, the right place at the right time.....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

So, final year of my graduation and really scared of it b`coz nw the time has come when i dont know exactly what to do next. Had a really wonderful time during the last summer vacation but not exactly how i dreamt about. I met with some of my closest and warm friends and had a get together party or call it as a simple hangout. There is sometimes in life when you feel that there are some people whom you r missing a lot. I felt the same way after meeting with them.
And now I`m in my college stucked with the busy jam pack schedule of boring lectures and hectic lifestyle. But there is no way around. I really gotta start my preparation nw itself b`coz if nt now then never. Today I got a bad news that this year CAT exam will be one month earlier than it is used to be. There is a sprawling and creepiest monster in front of me and I get to know how to tackle it. But panicking will lead me nowhere. Try to be phlegmatic and obviate the fears.
I also want to suggest all my fellow cat aspirants that if you really wanna enter in your dream school then just keep yourself aside with all the temptations and put this venture forth with full enthusiasm.

Good luck......
Try to make a gap between yourself and apatheism. Never belie your decision so
that you feel contrited in the future. Just go deep down your heart and lead your way
without wandering around and vacillating.

Life is incredible but despite being a stupid credulous thinker, act like an ebullient and
optimist creature and handle every tough situation with full alacrity.

So dear friends, the coda of the above statements is that always do the thing what
your conscience tell you to do. Be a speaker rather a lecturer. Believe in yourself and

try n try until and unless your goal is accomplished.

Hey guys...
This is my first time so i am not very used to it, so i am giving a try and want your religious support to make it quite interesting and successful.